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W91210 查看數據表(PDF) - Winbond

产品描述 (功能)
W91210 Datasheet PDF : 11 Pages
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OFF HOOK , D1 , D2 , ..., Dn BUSY, Come ON HOOK , OFF HOOK , R/P
The R/P key can execute the redial function only as the first key-in after off-hook; otherwise, it
ecutes the pause function.
Access Pause
OFF HOOK , D1 , D2 , R/P , D3 , ..., Dn
1. The pause function can be stored in memory.
2. The pause function is executed in normal dialing, redialing, or memory dialing.
3. The pause function timing diagram is shown in Figure 3.
Pulse-to-tone (*/ T)
OFF HOOK , D1 , D2 , ..., Dn , */T , D1' , D2' , ..., Dn'
1. If the mode switch is set to pulse mode, then the output signal will be:
D1, D2, ..., Dn, Pause , D1', D2', ..., Dn'
2. If the mode switch is set to tone mode, then the output signal will be:
D1, D2, ..., Dn, * , D1', D2', ..., Dn'
(Tone) (Tone)
3. The dialer remains in tone mode when the digits have been dialed out and can be reset to pulse
mode only by going on-hook.
4. The PT function timing diagram is shown in Figure 4(a, b).
1. The flash key cannot be stored as a digit in memory. The flash key has first priority among the
keyboard functions.
2. The system will return to the initial state after the flash pause time is finished.
3. The flash function timing diagram is shown in Figure 5.
OFF HOOK , F , D1 , D2 , D3 , ..., Dn
LNB = D1, D2, D3, ..., Dn
OFF HOOK , D1 , D2 , F , D3 , ..., Dn
LNB = D3, ..., Dn
Publication Release Date: May 1995
Revision A3

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